Common Types Of School Accidents And Injuries For Children

Common Types Of School Accidents And Injuries For Children
When you send your child to school, you assume they will be kept safe. Sadly, this is not always the case. Each day, children suffer accidents and injuries while at school, with most being very preventable. If your child is injured while at school, these cases are complex and difficult to win. However, by placing your trust in a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer from Mann & Elias, those responsible for your child’s injuries will be held accountable.
Bullying and Assaults
Unfortunately, bullying is prevalent in many schools. When this happens and your child is injured, contact a school injury attorney Los Angeles residents trust, such as one from Mann & Elias. In many cases, an attorney can discover students were not properly supervised when the attack occurred, or school staff were made aware of a problem and chose to look the other way.
Slip and Fall Accidents
Whether in a bathroom, cafeteria, or classroom, slip and fall accidents are very common in schools. When these accidents occur, children suffer broken bones, traumatic head injuries, and much more. Very often, it is found school staff failed to clean up a spill in a timely manner, or failed to place warning signs around areas that have been mopped.
School Bus Accidents
With many children packed onto a school bus, it is a common setting for different types of accidents. Since most buses don’t have seat belts, children can be injured due to an inexperienced or careless bus driver. Along with this, bus maintenance issues may also lead to broken bones, cuts, or sprains and strains.
Playground Accidents
When children are playing on old equipment, are left unsupervised, or are allowed to play when weather conditions create a hazard, playground injuries can be very serious. Traumatic brain injuries from a fall, as well as fractures and severe lacerations, are quite common in these instances.
Food Poisoning
If a cafeteria worker fails to properly prepare or handle food, your child can suffer a severe bout of food poisoning. If this happens, contact a child injury attorney Los Angeles parents know will fight for their rights, such as one from Mann & Elias.
Rather than let a school and its staff get by with being negligent and careless with your child’s well-being, contact a child injury lawyer Los Angeles parents can count on to fight for their child’s rights, such as Mann & Elias.