Types of Fractures and Broken Bones

Types of Fractures and Broken Bones
Getting involved in an automobile accident is not something anyone expects to happen. However, with the number of vehicles currently on the roadway, accidents are likely to happen from time to time. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, it’s time to talk with a broken bones injury lawyer Los Angeles to ensure that you get the compensation you need to recover appropriately from your injuries.
When it comes to auto accidents, speed plays a big role in the severity of injuries that occur. The quick jarring impact of the collision and sudden deceleration can cause extensive damage to the body. Broken and fractured bones tend to be very common injuries that happen to drivers and riders. There are many ways that you can receive one of these injuries when on the roadway.
First, if you regularly drive a motorcycle or bicycle, you’re more at risk for broken or fractured bones. Any fractured bone lawyer Los Angeles will be able to tell you that the impact of being thrown off of a motorcycle or bicycle creates enough force to shatter bones. Regardless of whether you hit the hard pavement or another vehicle, the injuries your body sustains can be severe due to the force of the impact.
When you’re involved in an auto accident, your body automatically reacts. For example, when you find yourself hitting an object, your body instinctively puts your hands up over your face. This is a natural reaction to protect the sensitive components of your face. However, this can result in fingers and wrists being slammed between your face and a window or other object in the vehicle. A Los Angeles personal injury lawyer can help to get you the compensation you need to fix your broken fingers and wrists due to an auto accident that was another driver’s fault.
There are many different types of bones that can be broken or fractured when an accident occurs. A broken bone attorney Los Angeles will likely deal with many of the same cases over and over again. The most commonly broken bones are the following:
- Hip
- Rib
- Femur
- Tibia
- Pelvis
- Wrist
- Skull
- Back
- Clavicle
- Ar
All broken bones create an immediate risk for the body. If they’re not properly taken care of, it could lead to long-term injuries and susceptibility to bacterial diseases. Seeking immediate medical attention is recommended for anyone who was injured in a car accident.